Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Understanding Lasik Eye Surgery

Understanding Lasik Eye Surgery

By Dr. Nancy Snyderman

You've probably seen advertisements for LASIK eye surgery, the hot procedure for correcting nearsightedness. And you may be tempted, because the procedure is touted as safe and painless. Keep this in mind, though: The Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis), or set guidelines for whom it is suitable. While the majority of patients who have the operation are pleased afterward, a number end up with poorer vision than they had with corrective lenses. Plus, they may now need to wear reading glasses as well.

The surgery won't correct severe nearsightedness, warns Douglas Koch, M.D., professor of ophthalmology at Baylor College of Medicine, nor is it for those who have large pupils and need higher amounts of correction. Interview surgeons closely; avoid anyone who gives you a hard sell (LASIK is being peddled aggressively) or who won't discuss possible complications up front. Also, ask how many procedures the doctor has performed and how successful they have been; this surgery requires experience and skill. LASIK costs about $4,000 to $5,000 for both eyes.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Top 6 Risks of LASIK

Top 6 Risks of LASIK
From Troy Bedinghaus, O.D.

Refractive surgery often produces great results. However, there are risks involved in any medical procedure. If you are considering undergoing laser vision correction such as LASIK, it is important to know the possible complications and limitations that may occur.

1. Vision Loss
Some LASIK patients actually lose vision after the procedure. The vision lost through the surgery cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or surgery.

2. Debilitating Visual Problems

Sometimes LASIK patients develop bothersome symptoms after the procedure including glare, halos and double vision. These conditions have a serious effect on nighttime vision.

3. Undercorrection or Overcorrection

Not all LASIK patients will achieve 20/20 vision without glasses or contact lenses. You may still need correction after the procedure. Some patients also require additional treatment that may or may not be possible. Additional laser treatments or other types of refractive surgeries may be needed to sharpen acuity.

4. Dry Eye Syndrome

Some patients develop severe dry eye syndrome after LASIK. Dry eye symptoms develop because the eye is not able to produce enough tears and moisture. Dry eye may be a permanent condition requiring treatment.

5. Diminishing Results

For some farsighted patients, the results of LASIK may not be permanent. Some amount of the vision improvement may deteriorate with age.

6. Infection or Irritation

Some patients develop infections, inflamations or irritations after LASIK. These conditions are treated with antibiotic eye drops or anti-inflammatory medication.

Before You Have LASIK

Before You Have LASIK

From Troy Bedinghaus, O.D.

If you are seriously thinking of having LASIK surgery to correct your vision, you most likely have a few concerns about the procedure. Even though the thought of waking up each morning with clear vision is exciting, several important factors must be considered. Before you sign up for LASIK, take some time to review the following information.

Are You a Good LASIK Candidate?

Not everyone is a good candidate for laser-vision correction. There are several conditions that may disqualify you from undergoing the procedure. A good LASIK candidate must qualify for the procedure by meeting several requirements. A thorough eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist is a great place to start. If you meet the requirements of LASIK and are a good candidate for the procedure, laser eye-surgery preparation will begin.

Risks Involved with LASIK

Refractive surgery often produces great results; however, there are risks involved in any medical procedure. If you are considering undergoing LASIK, it is important to know the possible complications and limitations that may occur

Your Vision After LASIK

LASIK will almost certainly reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses, but there can be no guarantee that you will be able to achieve perfect vision without glasses. It is very common, though, for patients to demonstrate excellent vision during follow-up examinations after the procedure and discontinue the use of glasses or contacts immediately.

Further LASIK Considerations

Changes in your vision after LASIK may or may not be permanent, as your eyes are still capable of changing internally. Most patients, though, are extremely pleased with their LASIK results.
Depending on the type of procedure being performed, LASIK usually costs between $2,000 to $5,000. LASIK costs have declined as the procedure has become more common.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Hair Tips for Jetsetters

Hair Tips for Jetsetters
-Suzanne Quinn

For those of you who are constantly flying high in the friendly skies, you should know that dry air in airplanes and hotels can be extremely damaging to hair, causing it to look perpetually dull and lifeless. Melissa Schriber, color director at patrick mcivor color studio in Bethlehem, PA offers the following tips for jetsetters who want to keep their hair looking vibrant and fresh.

1. No time to freshen up before a meeting after flying? Stop by the restroom in the airport and flip your head upside down under the hand dryers. Spray on Redken Fabricate 03 heat-active texturizer (or a hairspray) and fluff for instant volume! No one will know that you were sleeping on the plane!

2. Travel with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to help replenish lost moisture, Redken’s Clear Moisture line is great! If your hair is really dry and unruly, apply a good deep conditioning treatment and wrap your head in a towel.

3. As soon as you check in, fill your bathtub with hot water and close the door - when you reopen the door, the moisture in the bathroom will help to humidify the air in the room. You can also hang clothes in the bathroom and the humidity will help the wrinkles fall out!

4. Pillowcases contribute to static electricity and breakage, try misting Redken’s Clear Moisture Instant Polishing Prep on the hotel pillowcase to help ward off static while sleeping.

5. If you have long hair and want volume, try this trick. Gather dry hair into a ponytail on top of head and place 2-4 Velcro rollers on the ends. Volume is created while you sleep and less time is devoted to styling in the morning!

6. If hair is looking less than polished and you don’t have your favorite smoother on hand, take a pea-size amount of hand lotion, rub it between hands and smooth over hair. This will help to calm stressed tresses and control flyaways.


How to Not Burn in the Sun

How Not to Burn in the Sun

From: India-Jewel Jackson

Summer is approaching quickly, and for many of us that means more time outdoors. As we emerge from our seasonal incandescent hibernation, our enthusiasm for catching some "rays" often clouds our good judgment, and unfortunately a few hours of fun in the sun can quickly become hours or days of sunburn pain and peeling. Cathy Mogler shares three simple rules to ensure you'll have fun, not burn in the sun. Your skin and eyes will thank you.


Know your UV limitations. Every person's skin responds differently to UV rays (sunlight). In 1975 Thomas Fitzpatrick, a Harvard PhD, devised the Fitzpatrick skin test to help define these boundaries. The Fitzpatrick test asks a series of questions that look at genetics, previous experiences, and lifestyle. The questions yield a raw score and neatly categorize skin types into 6 distinct categories ranging from light to dark skin. On one end of the spectrum you have people with little or no tolerance to UV and burn easily (type I). On the other end of the spectrum you have people with dark skin that do not burn easily (type VI). If you would like to take the Fitzpatrick test and determine your specific skin type, please visit http://www.sunsauce.com/. Understanding your burn threshold can make your time outdoors more enjoyable and safer.


Always wear a waterproof SPF lotion. SPF's (sun protection factor) or sun blocks can easily and effectively reduce your risk of burning. SPF's use a number system to identify their ability to block or repel burning rays. As an example, assume you normally redden or burn in 10 minutes of direct sunlight. When you apply an SPF 15, it increases the time it takes to redden or burn up to 150 minutes or 15 times as long. SPF's with a higher number generally provide a longer duration of protection. It is important to liberally apply the sunscreen to all exposed areas or you will regret any oversights. Additionally, sweat, water, or rubbing off can remove SPF, so make sure to liberally reapply as needed. Sunscreens are a great preventative measure, but if you think you are burning, get out of the sun. Sunburns or overexposure are key factors in premature aging.


Don't forget to wear sunglasses. Overexposure to UV rays can cause eye damage. Your eyes are fragile and UV's invisible rays can penetrate the eyes, even in cloud cover. UV blocking sunglasses are more then a fashion statement; they are your eyes first defense against burning. Use them regularly.



7 Body Image Boosters

7 Body Image Boosters
by Redbook

1. Undergo a head-to-toe grooming session, manicure, pedicure, binkini way, leg and underarm shave. You will feel fresh, pretty and almost new.

2. Put on that expensive matching bra and underwear set that fits you just right. Sure, no one can see you beneath your clothes, but you will feel sexy knowing its there.

3. Go shoe shopping. Hey you shoe size will never go up!

4. Put on a little eye makeup - it wil make you feel pretty!

5. Treat yourself to a massage. Its a great way to get back in touch with your body.

6. Sign up for a five mile race with a friend. Its not hard to feel fit and confident when your training.

7. Take a fitness class (like Pilates or Yoga) in a studio with no mirrors.
