How Does Shampoo Work?
When hair is at its dirtiest, it will contain dust, dirt, skin flakes, salt and oil. A shampoo has to break it down and pull it away from the hair. Water won't do this alone so, shampoo to the rescue.
Here's How:
1. Modern shampoos contain a soap-free detergent that reduces the surface tension of the water, allowing it to move into the small crevices in the scalp and hair shaft.
2. The detergent also breaks the oil up into tiny droplets that can be easily washed away.
3. There are also some interesting ingredient ingredients that you will find in a typical bottle of shampoo.
4. Salt is often used for thickening.
5. Citrus acids are added to maintain the pH of the hair.
6. Fruit extracts draw moisture from the air to hydrate the hair.
7. You might also find egg to add protein which sticks to the porous areas of the hair shaft.
8. Beer is sometimes added in specialty shampoos as it coats the hair shaft, adding body and shine.
9. Perfumes add no obvious benefit other than a pleasing scent that can perfume the hair in some cases. Unfortunately, it never works for me.
Always use a shampoo that is specifically formulated for your hair. That will ensure that the right amount of oil is removed from your hair.
Sometimes the most expensive shampoo isn't the best. Try drugstore samples until you find the perfect shampoo for your hair.
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