Weigh In: Love This Hairstyle or Hate It?
I found this survey on another blog, and thought I would post it here to see what everyone thinks....
The first hairstyle is Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby" (an old movie for those who never heard of it) and the other picture is Michelle Williams....so, what do you think of the short hairdo? I think it looks great, but not everyone can pull it off!
Post your comments below...

I once had that short of a cut and it didn't look half as good as that! I found out after finding a very amazing hairstylist that the cuts I had were so wrong for my face that it was making my high cheek bones disappear and make my cheeks look fat!!
Now I have a very beautiful haircut that is very low maintenance thanks to finding just the right hairstylist who took the time to help me with my hair styling issues.
Having someone take your face and making your hair style work with it is just what you really need. You will be amazed when it happens for you as I was for me.
(BIG FAN of Makeup Secrets Blog!!)
she has a pretty face but i think its too short :( sowy
Absolutely disgusting, she looks like a man. I dont even think Halley Berry pulled of the pixie look. Someone got the idea and tryied to make it look cute..but its not. If you're 5 years old, you're cute. But if you're a 30 year old woman, you shouldn't be shooting for cute.
Love it. I am a 50-year old woman with lots of wave in my hair and I recently went back to short after 8 years of trying various lengths of long layers. It takes some nerve to do it because so many equate being feminine with long hair but I look nothing like a man and have had lots of positive feedback. Not everyone can pull it off though. Mia looked great, Michelle looks great and so did Halle.
I think it looks gross on both woman its just too short and flat againest their head.. looks ratty
Looking good in this haircut certainly depends on the shape of the head and face, facial features (eys, nose, chin, cheeks, ears,etc),lots of hair that is NOT fine and a little wave.
I really like the short styles... especially if you can carry it off. I also wore my hair really short & loved it... so much easier to manage. I went back to having it a little longer as I felt I wanted a more feminine look.
I think the hair style looks great on some people. If it looks good, then wear it. Looks good on both of these girls.
Lory G
I had that cut when I was only 20, I have large dark green eyes so it was very becoming. Who isn't cute at 20! Would I have it now, at 50+?? Not a chance. If you can carry it off, go for it. Just be aware that when it grows out, it will go through a few stages you may not like very much.
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