Friday, April 21, 2006

What is Cellulite and How Do You Get Rid Of It?

Despite what many infomercials or magazine advertisements tell you, changing the appearance of cellulite isn't as easy as they claim. There is one guarantee I can make about these "miracle" creams, pills, surgeries, and therapies-although they may develop some quick results, they will continuously cause you to invest your finances, as well as your own precious time into sessions and/or costly bottles of the claimed sensational product in order to maintain the results. Are you seeing the strategic trend?

If you're like me, you've fallen for a few of these ads and infomercials and have been left disheartened, still seeking, and feeling even more hopeless than before. Does this sound familiar? It's enough to make you want to give up and believe there is no way out.

First, you should know that at one point or another, we've all fallen prey to these commercial ploys. It's not your fault. We've been lied to and come to a point oftrying these proclaimed quick cures in a sometimes last-ditch effort to remove ourselves from our current situation.

I'm here to take you away from this unrealistic view of cellulite reduction and body transformation and bring you into a realistic view of how to (and this is the key) healthily change your appearance and confidence levels through a process of goal-setting and lifestyle change. It's not something that will take you away from your every day routine (like the surgeries, pills, creams, and therapies); it's something that will become a part of your every day routine-I'd venture to say, even a welcome part of your every day routine.

The Hard Truth About Cellulite

Here are the facts. Most all women (unless severely malnourished) have some degree of cellulite. Cellulite is nature's way of ensuring that the female body has enough calories available for pregnancy and all the processes involved. Does this mean it is a battle that isn't really worth fighting? No.

Although creams and massage therapy can all help to decrease the appearance of cellulite, they should only be used to supplement the no-regrets, guaranteed way to boost your confidence by zapping cellulite dimples.

Healthcare professionals can not stress this enough. Dermatologist, Mitchel Goldman, MD, associate clinical professor, Division of Dermatology, University of California at San Diego says, "[While creams and massage therapy can help], if someone loses a lot of weight and exercises regularly to tone up, this person [will] find a dramatic improvement in cellulite."

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