Are you overcleansing your skin?
Your skin naturally acts as a barrier, meaning it keeps out what it's supposed to (dirt) while keeping in the good stuff (moisture & yes, some oils). This is why you don't want to over-cleanse your skin, stripping away your skin's essential oils that naturally keep your skin balanced & healthy.
People with oily skin have a tendency for zealous cleansing. The result is skin that feels taut & tight. This is actually NOT good. Using cleansers with alcohol strips skin of its essential oils. Skin that feels taut, tight & a little stiff after cleansing is a clear sign that you may be overcleansing or using too harsh a cleanser for your skin type. Some effects of overcleansing include:
Rashes. Ingredients that should sit on the skin (like sunscreen) will permeate the
Cleansing your skin more than twice a day can trigger a panic response & send your oil glands into overdrive. Plus, if moisturizers don't soak into the skin -- instead sitting atop skin -- then you will be prone to acne.
Seborrheic dermatitis (flaking red scales around the scalp & on the t-zone).
The key here is balance. You want your skin to feel 'dewy'. Taut & tight is bad, dewy & moisturized is good. Some beauty experts believe overcleansing can lead to rashes & adult acne.
Dewy skin is the biggest thing right now in Hollywood says the glamor mags. The problem is finding that fine line between "dewy" and tight! That is a fine line I walk because I have dry skin and I am forever trying to find just the right product to cleanse with. I do use Mary Kay for eye makeup remover cause that is the only thing to use! When I started using all natural products that did that finally change! The only thing I still have a few times that I still walking that fine line of tight and dewy but then it kinda depends on other things besides cleanser...Just my thoughts
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